2008 has seemed to be the fastest year ever! Jake and I have had so many new and exciting changes this last year. In the very beginning of the year we found out that we were expecting and we were so excited - we could not wait to share the news - it was leaked before the "3 month rule" was over. Oh well. My pregnancy was, thankfully, very uneventful - just the regular stuff, maybe a little extra kicking - she sure was and is active. As soon as we found out that we were pregnant we started the process of moving back as we knew that we wanted to be around family now that we were beginning our own family.
Jake was working at a post-production house in Toronto, that was a great experience even though the hours were very long, he learned so much about the industry. I was working at a school that I loved, teaching grade 4/5 - you know I love the combined/multi-age grades! We told them that we were moving back and they were very supportive of our decision which made things so much easier. We were able to sell our condo without loosing money and were able to move back.
In June my best friend Tamara got married on the East Coast to Dean and it was amazing - we had an amazing time as we spent a little extra time out there knowing that it will be the last big trip for the next couple of years - although we are still planning lots of little ones. When we got back to Manitoba, Jake did not have a job and we did not have a house. Homeless, jobless, and pregnant - not exactly what I imaged 2008 to be. God really taught me a lot about patience this year as I really had to just let go and trust Him to provide for us and He did. We stayed at my Mom's for 2 1/2 months and it was great - even though finding our own place was even better of course. Jake found a job almost right away and they were great with letting him take time off for when Kathryn made her grand appearance. We ended up finding a place that we love! It was in the area that we wanted and the price that we wanted, and we found it just in time as we took possession only 5 days before Kat's due date. As soon as we walked into the place we knew that this was where we were meant to be - it is perfect!
And then came 2008's biggest blessing, Kathryn Sarah Sacher was born on September 23rd. With her big blue eyes, lots of long brown hair and a huge smile - we think that she is the most beautiful girl around. She is a very happy baby about 98% of the time. She is super alert and loves to talk. She has just learned how to blow bubbles and make "fluffing" noises with her tongue. Brains and Beauty this one!
We are so incredibly blessed and I can't wait to find out what 2009 has in store for us.